• Gray and pink

    While the rest of the country has been slammed with record amounts of snow and teeth-chatteringly low temperatures, Southern California has been sunny and beautiful. Then, it rained. And people freaked OUT. I did not freak out, but I did use the opportunity to wear my pirate galoshes. I got them for about $20 a […]

  • London calling

    What do you wear when you’re going on an overnight flight from warm San Diego to not-so-warm London?   -> I decided to go with cashmere, black jeans and trainers (as the Brits call them). And, of course, a giant bag to carry all my stuff! I brought several books with me (I’m halfway through […]

  • Stars and stripes

    I have to admit I didn’t realize when I put this outfit together that it was stars + stripes. I just wanted to wear some of my new Christmas clothes. Only when I started looking at these photos did I realize that the theme of the outfit matched my place of employment. I wore this […]

  • 90s flashback

    My mom and I went to San Francisco this weekend for a girls weekend of shopping, sightseeing, eating… and more shopping. We actually lived in the Bay area for a few years when I was little, but I was so young that I don’t really remember it. And the last (and only other) time I […]

  • Cobalt and black

    Some people can wear all black, all the time, and look fabulous. I am not one of those people. It’s not just because I find black a little boring and like to spice things up with bright colors, either. It’s also because I don’t look good without some color near my face — which is […]

  • Thanksgiving layers

    This is the kind of outfit that really isn’t necessary in San Diego, but perfect for a snowy Thanksgiving in Detroit. I’m not a fan of cold weather, but I do love warm, fuzzy flannels, wooly sweaters and boots. Especially when the sweater is bedazzled and the boots are covered in flowers. As you know, […]

  • Make your own Turkey Trot tutu

    If you’ve ever watched or participated in a Turkey Trot (Thanksgiving Day run) before, you may have noticed that not all of the runners wear regular running clothes. There are drumstick beanies, Pilgrim hats, Santa suits and all manner of Halloween costumes. And always lots of tutus. I’m not sure when wearing a tutu to […]

  • Built-in bling

    I tend to stick to pretty basic combinations when I’m getting ready for work, especially when I don’t have a lot of time to put an outfit together. Blouse + pencil skirt + shoes usually works pretty well, with a blazer or sweater added for cold weather or overactive air conditioners. But that’s why I […]

  • Sporty stripes

    I baked a brown-sugar buttermilk pie this weekend that I am excited to share with you (particularly because it is not orange and in a bowl, like most of the foods I’ve been posting lately — sorry!). But I want to make a bourbon-pecan sauce to go on the pie first, which requires another trip […]

  • Fab Fave Friday: Kate Spade New York

    With all the glitter, bright colors, leopard print, full skirts, polka dots, embellished sweaters and excessive use of the color pink, I sometimes think the designers at Kate Spade New York can read my mind. Going into one of their stores is like sensory overload in the best way possible, and it’s very, very dangerous […]