• Sugar cookies

    I love sugar cookies. Love them. There is this family story that involves an elementary-school-age me spending hours arranging individual sprinkles on these miniature Christmas cookies so they would all be perfect (i.e. two blue sprinkles for eyes on an angel cookie, a few yellow sprinkles on her head for a halo). I am a […]

  • Fruit salad with mint sugar

    Happy Fourth of July, y’all! We actually kind of had our holiday dinner yesterday, because Toby had to work both days and Hilary’s husband has to work today. So Matt and Hilary came over yesterday. When I was deciding what to make for dinner, this was the only thing I was sure I would make. […]

  • Free performances at the Kennedy Center

    Want to see the Suzanne Farrell Ballet, Smokey Robinson, Mambo Sauce and other awesome dancers, musicians and poets free? The Kennedy Center is hosting three nights of free performances as part of a 50-state “Arts in Crisis” tour. The title is pretty alarming (we love you, arts!), but it sounds like a great opportunity. You […]

  • Vegetarian chili

    As most of you probably know, I am not a huge fan of meat but I am also no vegan. Cheese is one of my main food groups. But when I first bought a Crockpot (back in the day), I was looking around on the Internet for recipes and stumbled across this one. It is […]

  • Peach-pineapple-mango smoothie

    Last week I went into the Pa. Dutch Farmer’s Market for the first time. O.M.G. I had no idea it was so amazing. But I didn’t have a lot of time, so I just got a smoothie and left. The smoothie (fresh peaches, fresh pineapple and ice) was ridiculously good and I planned to go […]

  • Breaking news

    Women are not men. It seems kind of obvious, right? But apparently all those exercise studies they do that end with articles instructing us to drink chocolate milk after running, eat more protein for recovery and carbo load before a big race? Yeah, they only studied men. Nice.

  • Key lime sherbet

    Key lime pie is probably my favorite thing ever. Good key lime pie — not nasty, green, gelatinous, sorry-excuse-for-key-lime pie. As such, I also love other stuff with key lime juice. And I am actually allowed to eat small amounts of sherbet on this diet. So when my friend Isabel mentioned that she was making […]

  • swimsuit issues

    I haven’t been writing much about swimming because I figured it’s not that interesting to read about how many laps I did or didn’t swim. But I could use some advice. I got a new lap swimming bathing suit at the Naval Academy a week or so ago — it’s navy blue one (of course) […]

  • Just say no to diaper shorts

    I get a “Look of the Day” e-mail every day from InStyle.com — each has five photos of well-dressed celebrities, with one chosen as the best look of the day. Yesterday, the main photo was this: OK. The jacket/top/necklace/bracelet combo is very cute, and she does have fabulous legs. I don’t love the shoes, but […]

  • Yumtastic chocolate chip cookies

    So, obviously Toll House chocolate chip cookies are pretty fabulous. But ever since seeing this article in the New York Times about the best chocolate chip cookies ever, I was dying to try them. They aren’t without issues. For one, it is kind of annoying to have to use two different types of flour — […]