• How to peel and slice a peach

    If you need to peel and slice a peach for a pie or cobbler, there’s a relatively easy way to do it. First, wash the fuzz off the outside of the peach. Then cut a small X in the bottom. Now (carefully) put the peach in a medium-sized pot of boiling water for about 30 […]

  • Happy Monday!

    Today is the first day of school for University of Maryland students and a few school districts in this area, and classes have already started at University of Georgia and elsewhere. Listening to the news on the radio this morning made me think about my many first days. I really do love going to school (I graduated […]

  • Sweet corn pancakes

    Everywhere you look in the summer in Maryland, there’s fresh sweet corn. It’s great grilled, but we don’t really have access to a grill right now. And it’s good boiled and sprinkled with chili powder. But there’s only so many times you can eat that in one summer. I wasn’t totally sure how these were […]

  • Pesto, tomato and mozzarella panini

    What to do with the leftover pesto, the mozzarella from the pizzas and the sandwich bread? Make my favorite sandwich. This is a pretty easy one. You can do it in a regular skillet (like I did here), or a grill pan if you want fancy grill marks on your sandwich. Or even a panini […]

  • How to bake a loaf of white bread (or two)

    The other night, I got the silly idea to bake a loaf of bread instead of buying one. I have actually made this once before, but apparently I forgot how long it takes to rise. Let’s just say that starting this at 8:30 p.m. was a poor choice. It really isn’t difficult to make, it […]

  • Another training tip?

    You know what also is probably a good way to train for a triathlon? Swimming laps in a pool divided in half by a rope while a family of six plays Marco Polo around you. Because that’s what I just did. It was a challenge. Anyway, sorry I haven’t posted much in the past few […]

  • Swim training for a triathlon

    It seems like half of the people I know are training for a triathlon right now. Every time I log on to Facebook, I am inundated with updates about how far people ran (and how fast), how awesome their bike workout was, etc. I usually respond to this by getting a bowl of ice cream […]

  • Pizza from scratch

    We have lived here for more than a year, but we still haven’t found a place with pizza we love. Sure, there are a few places we like. But nothing amazing. I am open to all styles of pizza, but my favorite is classic Italian margherita: thin, blistered crust, fresh tomato sauce, bubbly mozzarella and […]

  • Multi-functional marinara

    When I was single, I used to make a pot of this on Monday and eat spaghetti or gnocchi with tomato sauce all week. But I have recently discovered it works quite well as a pizza sauce, too. And it’s great because it is quick, easy and cheap. I would recommend you use San Marzano […]

  • Miss Universe

    Y’all, I love beauty pageants. When I was a little girl, I used to stage elaborate versions of Miss America in which I would represent 10 or so different states (the number generally depended on the number of bathing suits I could find) and make my babysitters judge. I always rigged it so Hawaii or […]