• Valentine’s Day baking

    I have a ton of things to share with you in the next few weeks, but since it’s Valentine’s Day weekend, I thought it might be helpful to put together a few ideas for baking projects. Sweets for your sweetheart, if you will. Two-ingredient Nutella brownies: Do you have eggs, a jar of Nutella, and some kind […]

  • Zengo cycle


    Toby and my dad have been fans of spinning for several years. I… have not. If you’re not familiar, spinning or cycling classes involve an instructor guiding a class full of people on stationary bikes through a series of “jumps,” “hills,” sprints and other movements that simulate riding a bike outside, without having to manuever […]

  • Barre so hard

    xtend barre

    In honor of the new year, I’m starting an occasional fitness series in which I try out different workouts and report back. Today’s theme is barre. You may recall that I did a post last year about what to expect from your first barre class. But, after trying several different brands of barre, I’ve learned […]

  • What to wear for your resolution workouts


    It’s January, which means many of us have rededicated ourselves to getting off the couch and hitting the gym. The only problem is that far too many workout clothes seem to be made for professional athletes or fitness models, and don’t quite work properly on those of us with body fat percentages in the double […]

  • Hangover remedy

    hangover cure

    As much as I’d like to think I’m still 23, the headaches I get the morning after several cocktails — or even two glasses of wine — make it very clear that I am not. And while there are several things you can do to avoid a hangover without swearing off margaritas forever, sometimes I get a […]

  • Snickerdoodles


    I was so busy in the weeks leading up to Christmas this year that I didn’t get a chance to bake ANY Christmas cookies at home! Luckily, I had a chance to whip up some snickerdoodles at my mother-in-law’s house, so we had something to leave for Santa. These snickerdoodles are pretty simple to make, […]

  • Pecan praline cake

    pecan praline cake

    I know this time of year is all about cookies, but this cake is too good not to share. It’s impossibly light and fluffy, covered with a delicious caramel-y pecan topping. The idea came from a recipe card included in a Christmas gift we received, but I decided to make cake from scratch instead of […]

  • Navy Blue and Gold margarita

    meyer lemon margarita

    We had every intention of going to Philadelphia for the Army-Navy game this year, but we waited too long to get tickets. So instead, we decided to have a party at our house. Along with the beer, pulled pork and macaroni and cheese, I thought we needed a Navy-themed margarita. Luckily for me, Meyer lemons […]

  • Pumpkin coconut bars

    pumpkin bars | marshmallows and margaritas

    Several years ago, when I was living in South Carolina, I had to work the day before and the day after Thanksgiving, so I couldn’t go to my family’s house in Michigan. Instead, I drove up to Charleston to have Thanksgiving dinner with my grandparents and my aunt and uncle. But said dinner wasn’t in […]

  • Cranberry applesauce

    cranberry applesauce

    As much as I love cranberry sauce, I also like to mix things up every once in a while. And with Thanksgiving coming up (so soon!), I wanted to try a slightly different cranberry recipe. This is super simple and doesn’t require as much sugar as regular cranberry sauce — the apples sweeten things up significantly. I […]