Lilly Pulitzer giveaway

Please note: This giveaway has ended, but there are others still going on!

It’s my birthday, and I’m going to give YOU presents!

I know, it’s weird. But I thought giving some of my favorite things to you guys was a great way to celebrate my birthday. I hope you agree.

And don’t worry, after all the giveaways are over, I’ll also share my birthday cake… or at least the recipe and photos.

jen in lilly

I decided to kick this off with a Lilly Pulitzer giveaway. Y’all know I love me some Lilly, so I want to share the love (and the color!).

lilly pulitzer hostess set

The items I’m giving away are a hostess set — which includes an ornament, a wine stopper, a gift bag and a set of 27 printed napkins — and a Lilly print pen. If you win the giveaway, you get both.

lilly pulitzer pen

Please note that this giveaway is not sponsored by or affiliated with any person, company or entity other than myself. I will be shipping the items to the winner myself, so I should be able to send them them anywhere. See below to enter!

Thank you so much to everyone who entered this giveaway!! The winner is Eileen. Congratulations! 

41 thoughts on “Lilly Pulitzer giveaway

  1. That’s a beautiful pen. Was your comment on a blog post entry for a non-giveaway comment? If it was- I’m either not finding a comment form on the posts or the comments are closed.

    1. You could comment anywhere, so don’t worry! The comments section should be open on all of the other posts, though, and in the same place. I will check and see if something is wrong!

  2. Happy Birthday. What was it like to visit the Burj Khalifa? The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills went there.

    1. It was really cool. I am scared of heights, though, so I got a little nervous when we got close to the glass!

    1. I can’t get enough of the colors and prints! Thank you for the compliment — my mom sent me the dress for my birthday!

  3. My Birthday was July 1st! Happy Birthday to you and thank you for this awesome chance to win these awesome prizes. Its sooo cool!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May you have a happy and prosperous upcoming year. You are so kind to share some of your favorite things with us. I love your dress! Thanks for the chance.

  5. Happy Birthday! I’m new to your blog, but I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts as well as the recipe for your cake!

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