In case you’ve missed Bazaar’s “Fakes are never in fashion” campaign, here’s another reason not to buy knockoff bags: Coach is suing a bunch of stores in Ocean City, Md., for selling fakes.
Now, I do understand why someone would get a high-quality Gucci or Louis Vuitton knockoff, since the real ones are hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of dollars. But I don’t get why people buy the blatantly fake ones — like the “Gucci” bags with C’s instead of G’s, and the “Coach” bags with G’s instead of C’s. But I’m guessing people don’t really realize that tackiness is criminal.
Obviously there are some pretty passable knockoffs out there. But why pay $50 or $75 for a fake Coach when you can stop at the actual Coach outlet on your way to or from the beach? They have some pretty amazing deals, and you know you are getting the real thing. I just got this:
(Original price $498) for $120 at the Easton outlets — which you have to drive past to get to Ocean City. Unfortunately the Gucci outlet wasn’t quite as affordable. Oh well.